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Books and Online Resources by Category

Agile Alliance ~ Agile 101

Agility is about teamwork, transparency, and technical excellence. No matter what your experience with Agile practices and techniques, we’re here to guide you.


The ICAgile Accreditation Program focuses on advancing high-quality agile learning by ensuring courses align with learning objectives as defined by industry experts.

Watch it, Learn It, DO IT

Great tool for review and practice real time. Some free, full power through subscription.


Agile Certified Practitioner | PMI-ACP
PMI’s Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) certification recognizes the need for a specialist role in agile project management.

Founded by Scrum co-creator Ken Schwaber, provides Professional Scrum Assessments and Training through our global community.

The Scrum Guide

Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products. This Guide contains the definition of Scrum.

Scaled Agile Framework

SAFe provides online, freely revealed, and comprehensive guidance for achieving the benefits of Lean-Agile development at enterprise scale.

Mike Cohn: What is agile and Scrum and Scrum described

Larry Apke: Understanding the Agile Manifesto.

This book offers in-depth commentary and explanations on the Agile methodology’s foundation, the Agile Manifesto

Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. Mindset the New Psychology of Success

This book gives us a blueprint on how we can learn to fulfill our potential

Diana Larsen & Ainsley Nies: Liftoff: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams 

This book is a handy resource to help launch new teams on the right foot 

Coaching Agile Teams, Lyssa Adkins  

Scrum Master, Project Lead or other, this book will help ground you in the servant leadership model and equip you with tools to pull teams forward towards their own success

Agile Software Development a Cooperative Game, Second Edition, By Alistair Cockburn.

If you’re new to agile development, this book will help you succeed out the gate. If you’ve used agile methods before, Cockburn’s techniques will make you even more effective.

Mike Cohn: User Stories Applied 

This clear and simple book covers the aspects of writing, estimating, prioritizing and committing to product requirements. Essential reading for Product Owners.

Mike Cohn: Agile Estimating and Planning 

What are story points again? Why do we use them and not estimated hours? This book will refresh you on these topics and help you become good at estimation and release planning.

Lyssa Adkins and Michael K. Spayd: The Manager’s Role in Agile

Jim Highsmith: Agile Project Management – Creating Innovative Products  

Good overview of Agile approaches to project management

Leading Change by Dr. John Kotter 

CoActive Leadership 

Christopher Avery: The Responsibility Process 

Awareness of The Responsibility Process provides a framework for learning by individuals, teams, and organizations. It is the first how-to model for taking, teaching, and inspiring personal responsibility – the #1 principle of success in any endeavor

L. David Marquet. Turn the Ship Around!

A true story of turning followers into leaders. The best how to manual anywhere for managers on delegating, training, and driving flawless execution.

Willaim Isaacs. Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together.

A approach to communication in business and life

Patterson; Grenny, McMillain, Switzler. Crucial Conversations.  Tools for talking when stakes are high

Kim Scott. Radical Candor. Be a kick ass boss without losing your humanity.

Powerful Questions Cards from the Coaching Agile Teams class

Deb Preuss: Powerful Questions Cards

More powerful questions!

Tony Stoltzfus: Coaching Questions: A Coach’s Guide to Powerful Asking Skills 

This is the ‘full of easy and useful stuff book’ that David and Allison love.

Collaboration Explained by Jean Tabaka

A great book for agile coaches about being a good facilitator. Check out the section with starter agendas for sprint planning and other agile meetings.

Agile Retrospectives by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen

To help you create retrospectives that have people get up from the conference room table and come up with real insights. Our copy of this one has stickies all over it and coffee stains and worn out pages. That’s how much we use it.